The ExoSeq® Choice

Genetic testing can give you actionable insights to improve diagnosis, prognosis, and patient care We use whole exome sequencing (WES) test method to identify changes in patient’s DNA that are related to their health concerns or are causative. Whole Exome Sequencing uses the power of Next Generation High Throughput Sequencing to analyze the entire exome of an individual through one single test.

ExoSeq® suite screens around 20,000 genes giving you the opportunity to obtain a unifying diagnosis for patients presenting with heritable rare diseases and genetic conditions of de novo (spontaneous) occurrence.​

ExoSeq® Comp

Whole exome sequencing (20,000 genes)

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ExoSeq® Meta

Metabolic diseases (476 genes)

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ExoSeq® Myo

Muscular disorders (109 genes)

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ExoSeq® Onco

Cancer predisposition (99 genes)

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ExoSeq® Cardio

Comprehensive cardiac Disease (671 genes)

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ExoSeq® Neuro

Comprehensive neuropathy (446 genes)

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ExoSeq® Immu

Primary immunodeficiency (576 genes)

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ExoSeq® Dev

Developmental disorders (99 genes)

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ExoSeq® Sdn

Sudden death (68 genes)

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ExoSeq® Nephro

Inherited kidney diseases (327 genes)

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ExoSeq® Psyche

Psychiatric diseases (207 genes)

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ExoSeq® Derma

Dermatological conditions (252 genes)

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ExoSeq® Fertility M

Male Infertility (143 genes)

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ExoSeq® Psyche

Psychiatric diseases (207 genes)

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ExoSeq® Fertility F

Female Infertility (111 genes)

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ExoSeq® Gynae

Women’s Health (87 genes)

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ExoSeq® MNH

Men’s Health (185 genes)

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ExoSeq® WMNH

Women’s Health (180 genes)

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ExoSeq® AE

UAE population specific (702 genes)

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ExoSeq® Fertility M+

Male Infertility & Comprehensive Inflammatory(432 genes)

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ExoSeq® Fertility F+

Female Infertility & Comprehensive Inflammatory(400 genes)

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ExoSeq® EG

Egypt population specific (321 genes)

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Available ExoSeq® Suite Options:

Solo I Analysis for the index only
Trio I Analysis for the index and the parents
Trio+ I Analysis for the index , parents and an additional family member


ExoSeq® test is performed by certified and accredited labs according to international and local standards, offering high quality genetics testing services to hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and clinical laboratories.